
Half day explore Phnom Penh

The experience:

Discover Phnom Penh's finest cultural and historical attractions in the half day tour, including the beautiful Royal Palace, Museum and the Silver Pagoda.

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- Starting Time:8:30am or 2:00pm

- Departure Point:Your hotel in Phnom Penh

- Time Duration:4 hours

- Return Details:Returning to the departure point

- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# Explore the silver-coated structure of silver pagoda

# Discover the wonders of Cambodia through the museum

# Visit the street 240 and Russian market

- What You Can Expect -

We explore the stunning Royal Palace complex, home to the Cambodian royal family and a symbol of the nation. We begin amid the beautiful royal gardens, landscaped with tropical plants and studded with gleaming spires. We enter the Throne Hall where the royal receptions are held and the Cambodian king's coronation took place. We then pass the Napoleon III Pavilion made from iron, a gift from the French emperor in the 19th century.

We continue to the Silver Pagoda, named after the 5000 silver tiles covering the floor, each weighing 1kg. Inside are some of the country's most cherished treasures, including a life-size gold Buddha studded with 9584 diamonds, the largest weighing25 carats. There is also a delicate emerald Buddha made of baccarat crystal, which gives the temple its Khmer name of Wat Preah Keo (Temple of the Emerald Buddha).

We leave the Royal Palace and continue to Toul Sleng museum, Here there are stark and moving reminders of Cambodia’s recent tragic past. Our expert guide will explain the historical, political and social context of the bleak period of Khmer history which followed the fall of Phnom Penh in April 1975. Lastly, we drop by to visit the street 240 and Russian market before we take you back to your hotel in Phnom Penh.